Finally something is finished!! The Front Porch

Up to now we have been renovating things. Some of these things such as bedrooms are finished. Now something that we totally removed and built from scratch is finished.

Yes the Porch!!!!!

It was ripped down, rebuilt and is now a fully functioning porch with a great front door, somewhere to hang your hat … or coat… and to put your boots as well as a seat to sit on while putting boots on and a great shelf to display stuff on.

It is a great example of sustainability also. The frame is made from eco -ash, the cladding is all weatherboard taken from other parts of the house and garage and stripped of paint and reused. The ceiling lining is roof off cits of colorbond, the windows were bought at the tip shop, the door was the cheapest wreck of a door that I could find at the salvage yard and the tiles on the floor were a remnant lot at the tile shop.

The old rotten porch
Porch frame
Front Porch with exterior finished
front door and tiles
Finished porch from front
inside the porch

Front Porch update

Front Porch with exterior finished

Well it has been a while since I updated the site with anything at all. Not because there has been nothing happening but rather that there has been heaps. The exterior of the porch is pretty well finished now. It needs flyscreens but it has all the guttering, windows, fascia, door frames and is painted. The interior can wait until winter as there is too much to do around the back of the house with the owner unbuilding. See the post about the ancientart of owner unbuilding for more explanations.

I think I will show the porch in pictures rather than words. One of the projects for the porch is to restore an old front door to something else. If you have read other posts you will know that transforming doors is somethingthat we enjoy doing. This is a work in progress and has halted at the minute.

An old door to make usable again


 When I was removing paint from the weatherboards which we took off the sunroom at the back and reused in the porch I dropped my Speedheater infra red paint removing tool and had to order 2 new infra red tubes from New Zealand which took over a month. Stripping paint with a heat gun is very very very very very boring !!!!

speedheater makes short work of removing paint

front porch with undercoat on

 The last touch that we have done is to rebuild the old three panel narrow window in the West wall and use some of the stained glass panels that we brought from our old house in Bathurst, NSW

Stained glass from the outside


stained glass from the inside

Xmas 2009 update

It’s a wee bit funny this renovation lark. Looking back on the year we have been fairly busy.  Grid connect solar systems, plans through Council, a great relationship with Owner Builder Mag, three rooms renovated, the front of the house almost finished, new veggie beds and a motorhome parking area to list a few of the things we have established.

Here are some slide shows of improvements to the property to give some idea of where we are up to

Front Garden

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Solar panels installed

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Motorhome parking area

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